If you have made pottery either during a class somewhere else or at home, we offer kiln firing services to finish your pieces. As long as your work has been properly made with the correct materials, it will be food safe, water tight, and strong.
Our prices:
Bisque firing $0.03 per cubic inch
Glaze firing $0.06 per cubic inch
$10 Minimum
For bisque, you may stack up to 3 pieces and then measure.
For glaze, you must glaze the piece using your own materials, the bottom (or whatever side is touching the kiln shelf) must be wiped free of glaze, and pieces may not stack.
We are open for drop offs and pickups Mondays and Wednesday from 12-6pm. Days and times are subject to change, so scheduling a time is the best idea.
Skutt 1027 first level of bisque.
Measure the height, width, and depth (depth is the bottom number 5 in the photo here), then multiply that number by the firing fee.
For this mug, the bisque fee would be (5 x 4 x 5) x $0.03 or $3. The glaze fee would be $6.
We do not guarantee a turnaround time or perfect results.
We try our best to give accurate estimates and to handle your pieces with care.
When you're ready to bring your things in, Sign up for a time and we can check everything out and give you an estimate for pickup.
We do not single fire, so all work will be bisque fired to 04 first.
We fire our student and member work to Cone 6, that means that the top temperature is approximately 2200 degrees F. In our experience, this temperature for the glaze firing combines best with a bisque temperature of Cone 04 (approximately 1915 degrees F).
If you need to do low fire work, we may be able to accommodate but likely you would have to hire out a whole kiln.
"Cones" refer to pyrometric cones, pieces of specially made clay that are used to measure the temperature inside a kiln. It's a nice shorthand for saying "2200 degrees F" as "cone 6."
Cone 6 is also called "mid range" or "mid-fire." Be aware that Cone 06 is not the same as Cone 6, Cone 06 is "low fire." If Cone 06 work is fired to Cone 6, there can be disasters in the kiln.
We will ask to see the box, bag, or receipt from your clay and glazes to verify that it is Cone 6.
We have 2 different size kilns:
1. Skutt 822 with 3.2 cubic feet interior capacity $50
There is usually a pretty quick turnaround time for this one.
2. Skutt 1027-3 with 6.4 cubic feet interior capacity $125
We have 2 of these, however, these are our main production kilns, so turnaround time can be affected by holidays, market seasons, etc. Since we would be taking one of these out of commission for 1-2 days for your work, the price is slightly higher.
Sorry, our kilns are loaded only by our trained staff.
We do not provide or sell any glazes.
You can find clay and glazes online as well as at Rocky Mountain Clay
When you're ready to bring your things in to be fired, schedule a time to come in. We are open for drop offs and pickups Mondays and Wednesdays from 12-6pm. Days and times are subject to change, so scheduling a time is the best idea.
Skutt 822 first level of bisque.
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